Suan Sati Blog

The Latest Musings from the Garden of Mindfulness

When we were designing our 6 day winter retreat program, we decided to offer a digital detox as part of the program. I had…

Will Hardy

December 6, 2022

Wednesday, July 3, 2019 The Garden of Mindfulness   As we wind up our travels round the world, people often ask Ana and I…

Heather Notfall

September 10, 2022

Hi everyone! I want to share some tips with you this month about staying consistent in your yoga and meditation practices. For a lot…

Will Hardy

September 3, 2022

I moved onto the property that would eventually become Suan Sati 1 in June, 2016. I advertised for volunteers on Workaway, and luckily they…

Will Hardy

August 7, 2022

Let’s face it, establishing and maintaining healthy habits while travelling is a real challenge. With changing time zones, disrupted schedules, inconsistent access to spaces…

Zandy Marcus

June 3, 2022

Technology and mindfulness seem to be like oil and water; they just don’t mix. I definitely agree that many elements of technology, like social…

Will Hardy

April 25, 2022

I used to tell myself this story that I wasn’t creative. I don’t play any instrument particularly well, I have absolutely zero interest in…

Will Hardy

April 1, 2022

I cried in the shala twice this winter. Once was when I first got back. I turned the music way up, did a sweaty…

Will Hardy

March 2, 2022

If you’ve been on a yoga retreat before, you know that feeling of euphoria as you walk out the front gates. If not, you…

Will Hardy

February 18, 2022