Suan Sati Blog

The Latest Musings from the Garden of Mindfulness

In my last blog, I wrote about community. I am incredibly grateful for the beautiful aspects of my personal community, and for the larger…

Will Hardy

June 25, 2024

Humans are hardwired to seek community. Throughout our history, building community has been a means for us to stay safe, share our workload, disseminate…

Will Hardy

February 8, 2024

My guiding word for 2024 is savor. Life has been flying by the past couple of years and I feel like I haven’t taken…

Will Hardy

January 20, 2024

There are two central concepts in yoga philosophy that govern our practice and lead us to a still mind. The first is effort, called…

Will Hardy

December 6, 2023

Uncertainty is inherent in this human experience. No matter how much we try to control, organize, dominate, and manipulate, we can never completely achieve…

Will Hardy

October 30, 2023

There’s one question that I always ask at the beginning of our teacher training courses. What’s your why? What I mean is, after your…

Will Hardy

September 19, 2023

I have to admit something: I struggle with being vulnerable. There are a long list of reasons why, but most of them boil down…

Will Hardy

June 28, 2023

In my teenage years, I did a lot of things I’m not proud of. Looking back, the reason why is clear: I was seeking…

Will Hardy

April 26, 2023

Like you, I’ve learned many lessons over the past three years. One of my biggest lessons has undoubtedly been patience. When we closed down…

Will Hardy

January 19, 2023